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Sustainable Agriculture Solution
SEA First “Probiotics Fresh Vegetables & Fruits”
In the next 5 years, we will collaborate and seek advice with an established local scientist on developing our very own sustainable agriculture solutions. It involves the use of nutribiotic fertilizer which is made of lactobacillus (a gold class probiotic recognized by US FDA) fermented high protein, organic animal waste and agro waste.

Naturally organic – Fully fermented chemical and antibiotic free animal waste and agro waste – balanced C/N ratio (carbon/nitrogen), complete mix of nutrients, trace elements and humic acid which is highly carbon efficient and greatly reduces carbon footprint, a proprietary microbiome fermentation technology to enable nutritious and sweeter crops and which has 5- 10X more phytonutrients compared to other vegetables, with 50% higher in antioxidant and a much longer shelf life.
Projected Productivity Outcome We estimated a total of 1,400 tonnes per annum productivity. Expected farm produces ratio: 20% lettuce, 80% local staple vegetable type